While working on a project for church I started to scan some old slide that my Dad had. First I had to find the adapter for the flatbed scanner then the right settings. Now I'm hooked on converting all the old slides into a useful format. Each picture will require some additional work in photoshop but it is a valuable way to transfer these images that otherwise sit in a cupboard and never get viewed.
Looking at these images are a virtual trip back in time. I've been using his old Montgomery Ward slide viewer to preview each image and each view is something special. There are even slides of my brother and I when we were very young. For now the personal project will have to be sidelined as the deadline for the church project is looming way to near. It should be a project that keeps me out of trouble for quite some time. There are thousands of slides in the cupboard over at my Mom's house. I'm sure I'll post up some more pictures as the project continues. With those images I will talk about what was done to improve the image quality. For now I'll leave you with two images.
This is my brother and me Christmas 1984 (I'm on the left and Jon on the right)
This is my Dad when he was in high school in 1967
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